It exists. One day, one of these will be genuinely good, or some kind of clever actual subversion of the entire trope instead of just being edgy or killing one dude off before doing cheat power in earnest for the actual protagonist. But not today, and the whole of next year probably ain’t it either. Half the episode is spent explaining the premise that people gets skills from fruit, but only one, and his skill is useless, but actually it’s the strongest. So he schleps his stupid ass over to the guild to immediately be picked on by bullies who he humiliates, followed by slaying the local ogre, humiliating the puerile bullies even further.
I at least understood why there were a hojillion harem VN adaptations. Different girls for different tastes. Different clothes for different fetishes. Constant shipping wars. But these? Another cut and paste setup with a protagonist who “wants to be an adventurer” for no real reason and has the charisma and presence to match. They can’t even think far enough ahead to give characters motivation, let alone personality. No attempts are made at a story, animation, humor, anything. And don’t worry, the next episode preview lets us know that his childhood friend is going to be slapped around by another local bully for him to satisfy his messiah complex to save her from, so we’re definitely hitting the gross misogynist power fantasy stuff too. I genuinely do not understand why this exists, or why there are so goddamned many of them.
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