New Anime

Sky Blue Utility #01 — Loud Girls Making Faces


Golf? What’s golf?


You know, this might’ve actually been a little more interesting if it dropped the supposed golf angle entirely and just had it overtly been her having a crush on the random golfing lady dressed like a Hooters waitress who immediately starts rubbing herself all over her and whispering in her ear. They certainly spent very nearly as much focus on that as they did on the golf, which was the typical explosion of wind and sparklies upon seeing it, showing how magical the club hobby of the week is. Don’t worry, they made time for her to sit in the bath too. Not for jokes though. Just suddenly yells and makes a face. Ha ha. Comedy. Then she goes to regionals. Skipped right over the training arc, I guess.

Although it also bears discussing all the things that weren’t directly about golf, because it’s hard to see how the rest of this script was written by a human. Sure, I’m not the most in touch with teenagers these days… or even when I was a teenager myself, but I’m pretty sure that they don’t sit in classrooms lamenting the springtime of their youth slipping away and assuring each other that there’s a wide world out there for anybody to have a dream about having a hobby. Nobody talks like this. Nobody acts like this. We do a whole montage of her being enthusiastically willing to try out literally anything all while reacting to even the smallest conversation like an over-stimulated chihuahua in between lamenting how afflicted by the malaise of youthful melancholy and the spectre of time. Pick a lane. 

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