Please stop saying the title. You’re killing me here.
I didn’t have very high expectations, but CloverWorks has been enough of a wildcard as a studio lately that I wasn’t quite sure, but boy, was this half-assed. I think at least a solid 25% of the script was just characters repeating the title and premise of the show. Which got especially egregious when you have the dude bragging about how sharp all his senses are, which is why he could see it was her in the dark, but apparently not hear her shouting out the premise of the show three times, so after confronting her, and her repeating the premise of the show, he has to ask her if the premise of the show is really the case, so she reiterates it yet again. We get it. For christ’s sake. We get it. She’s a guild receptionist. Please find goddamned anything else in the script to talk about. Oh, here’s a random aside that she has god powers that nobody else has… aaaand it’s another reminder that she’s a guild receptionist. Fantastic all around.
That’s the whole episode really. Just wielding the title of it like a blunt object to try to make it work for characterization, story, humor, fanservice, texture, flavor, and umami. Combine that with a janky CGI dragon for its attempt at action, and even for a CloverWorks first episode, this was a poor showing. At least there were no status screens? Just another long and pointless suffering of internal exposition trying to justify and explain the nonsensical RPG world, completely indistinguishable from any of the other forty six thousand two hundred and nineteen of them anime has spewed out over the last ten years. Just another in the endless parade of “I’m a -thing that sounds weak- But Actually I’m the Strongest.” Supposedly jokey type rather than revenge type.