New Anime

Aquarion MOE #02 — Live, Die, Repeat


Frankly, there need to be more robot stabbings.


This is putting too many eggs in the basket of being mysterious about its setting when it’s not actually that interesting at all. There’s a girl who’s a ghost, but also not, and she keeps dying over and over. Also, a giant ball keeps invading, but they can soccer kick it away. Even when they bust out the trademark Infinite Punch, the ball just explodes. Nor was it all that dramatic with her already being dead. They had a whole long conversation about like three minutes prior. But we’re still going to scream in despair over it.

Almost all the above is in the last five minutes of the episode, which kind of exemplifies the problem. The other 15 minutes of the episode is… nothing. Bunch of mopey kids and scientists puttering around. Yes, yes. We all know about the mech angels. Even if you’re not familiar with Aquarion, the concept is clear. Nobody’s actually really doing anything. Nobody wants anything. Everyone’s killing time until the next giant koosh ball shows up. Do we even know if they’re evil? I don’t recall seeing it abduct anybody. What if it’s just there for hugs and you’re throwing ghosts and giant robots at it? I’d start stabbing too.

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