New Anime

SPY x FAMILY Available to Stream on Amazon Prime in the UK

For those that do not have a Netflix (or Crunchyroll) subscription then you’ll be wakuwaku (excited) to learn that both seasons of SPY x FAMILY are now available to stream on Amazon Prime Video for Prime Subscribers.

Synopsis: World peace is at stake and secret agent Twilight must undergo his most difficult mission yet – pretend to be a family man. Posing as a loving husband and father, he’ll infiltrate an elite school to get close to a high-profile politician. He has the perfect cover, except his wife’s a deadly assassin and neither knows each other’s identity. But someone does, his adopted daughter who’s a telepath!

SPY x FAMILY is also available to stream on Netflix UK and Crunchyroll in both dubbed and subbed formats. The first season is also available on Blu-Ray (and DVD) in the UK from Crunchyroll as two half-season sets. It’s worth noting that Amazon Prime currently have a small selection of anime titles available to stream, including My Hero Academia, Jujutsu Kaisen, and ONE PUNCH MAN alongside simulcast shows such as Ubel Blatt.

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