Hello Kitty Island Adventure, a cozy-adventure that sees you find lost friends and explore the abandoned park, recently released onto the Nintendo Switch digitally (via the Nintendo eShop) but now the publishers have confirmed that a physical version will be released across Europe and North America.
About: Hello Kitty invites you to join her and her friends at Big Adventures Park, where My Melody is opening a brand new gift shop. As soon as the plane arrives, it’s clear more is happening at this tropical island getaway than first meets the eye. Adventure abounds as you find lost friends and explore the abandoned park. Join forces with Hello Kitty to restore the island and the desolate theme part to their former glory!
Scheduled for a Spring 2025 release this Deluxe Edition of Hello Kitty Island Adventure will feature the base game, a Starter Bundle, A Crafting Bundle and an Event Bundle, that will further enhance players experience within the game.
Deluxe Event Bundle – over 330 unique items and rewards including one year of Legacy Event clothing and furniture and other cosmetics from seasonal events.
Deluxe Starter Bundle – including friendship blossoms, bouquets and strawberry crates
Deluxe Crafting Bundle – a bundle of crafting items including dye, sticks, iron ore and rubber.
This physical edition is expect to retail for around £52.99, $59.99, €59.99 and will be available at participating retailers. Hello Kitty Island Adventure is currently available digitally, but is expected to be released physically later this year for the Nintendo Switch.