New Anime

Meiji Gekken 1874 – 05

I find the premise of Meiji Gekken 1874 interesting, as I’m a sucker for samurai tales set in the Meiji Era.  But there’s just too much of- well, everything.  Too many plot threads, too many characters (some historical, some strictly fictional), too many damn names.  And much of it is not really joined properly, for lack of a more elegant way to phrase it.  Things just sort of happen one right after the other and characters react to them.  If ever there was a script in need of an editor, in my humble opinion it’s this one.

Another issue is that the production values are pretty choppy.  All that no-face stuff this week is never a sign of a healthy production.  That’s not a deal-breaker but if the action sequences start to really crater (so far they haven’t), that could be fatal for a swordfighting anime.  All this is too bad because I do kind of like the series, parts of it anyway.  I suspect I’ll keep watching for a while at least but this is probably it in terms of blogging.   But as always, I’m open to having my mind changed by what happens on-screen.

The post Meiji Gekken 1874 – 05 appeared first on Lost in Anime.

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