New Anime

Aquarion MOE #03 — Bird Brains


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My patience with this show is rapidly wearing thin. No, I don’t even want to try to make a joke about the girl being so grossed out by having to ‘combine’ with two guys that it made one pass out and the giant alien blob jizz in their face. That’s how boring the rest of the episode was. Ooh, there’s a magic book with jank-ass CGI. There’s some magic wing stuff that happened sometime. Let’s sit around and talk about it while we wait for anybody to do anything and literally anything whatsoever to actually happen.

I’d rather rewatch Aquarion right now. Hell, I’d rather watch Logos. At this point in Logos, we’d already had character episodes for a third of the cast and would be only one episode away from a girl ripping open her shirt and yelling that we should all be more accepting of polycules. If this iteration of Aquarion gets as far as a character reading a the title of a romance novel, that would be a drastic departure and far more exciting than anything that has happened yet.  

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