Solo Leveling Ep 9 Review Ever since I started (and finished) reading the Solo Leveling manwha, I’ve looked forward to seeing many moments. And most of them involve Jin-Woo making victims out of his opponents. He now radiates Black Air Force energy, and every time he takes down an enemy, it’s incredible. Seeing it go from being still …
Raysync’s Strategies for High-Performance Bulk File Transfer
In scenarios involving large-scale file transfers, data transfer speeds can be substantially enhanced through the utilization of Raysync, a solution that offers a distinct advantage over traditional FTP/HTTP methods. However, in practical applications, memory bottlenecks frequently emerge as a critical factor limiting the performance of massive file transfers. This article aims to examine how Raysync …
Winter 2024 What-I’m-Watching Summary – Week 11
Hey all! Apologies for the delay on this. Can’t lie, I’ve been caught up playing Dragon’s Dogma 2 plus some grad school work. Hopefully things will relax around May, cause dear god am I busy haha. Anyways, here’s this weeks episodes! Dungeon Meshi – 12 [Red Dragon II] First up this week is, once again, …
Anime One At A Time March Podcast!
I need to update more haha High time I started using this blog more as for what it is a communication board! I have neglected using this blog as for what a blogs purpose truly is a communication board? “But you write posts isn’t that enough”?. In my eyes no. My problem was I didn’t …
The Apothecary Diaries #24 — Convenient Eternally Seeping Wound
Chinese medicine works in mysterious ways. Impressions: And so we sputter to the destined end (announced continuation notwithstanding), attempting nothing, and accomplishing nothing. Lakan reunites with his baby momma and then we get a not-quite title drop, but OP image drop with its own corny insert song, so basically the same thing. These singles need …
Yuki Yuna is a Hero – Episode 9
Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m eager to return to Yuki Yuna is a Hero, after an episode that saw the other shoe plummeting to earth and leaving a devastating crater in its wake. As it turns out, the Taisha knew all along that our young heroes would be forced …