As part of the Kotatsu Japanese Animation Festival 2023 event taking place between 10th November 2023 and 16th November 2023, of which will see a variety of activities and anime films being screened, a special anime talk discussing Mecha-Anime with Fujitsu Ryota will be taking place on 10th November 2023 with the discussion being streamed online for free.
As part of this discussion/panel Japan’s leading animation critic, will unveil mecha-anime from Japan, overviewing its characteristics. He will also discuss in this special online-talk, the progress of this genre in story as well as style while referring to the social circumstances and viewership when these works were made. This activity will be a free online event, taking place on 10th November 2023 at 6:30pm, but registration is required (which can be done here) with the expectation of limited spots being available.
Further details about this Mecha-Anime talk can be found here, while additional details of the Kotatsu Japanese Animation Festival 2023 can be found on the official website.