New Anime

Kotatsu Japanese Animation Festival 2023 Streams FREE “Mecha-Anime” Talk Session with Fujitsu Royta this November

As part of the Kotatsu Japanese Animation Festival 2023 event taking place between 10th November 2023 and 16th November 2023, of which will see a variety of activities and anime films being screened, a special anime talk discussing Mecha-Anime with Fujitsu Ryota will be taking place on 10th November 2023 with the discussion being streamed online for free.

As part of this discussion/panel Japan’s leading animation critic, will unveil mecha-anime from Japan, overviewing its characteristics. He will also discuss in this special online-talk, the progress of this genre in story as well as style while referring to the social circumstances and viewership when these works were made. This activity will be a free online event, taking place on 10th November 2023 at 6:30pm, but registration is required (which can be done here) with the expectation of limited spots being available.

Further details about this Mecha-Anime talk can be found here, while additional details of the Kotatsu Japanese Animation Festival 2023 can be found on the official website.

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