The Pokémon Company have recently confirmed that the latest series of Pokémon, known as Pokémon Horizons: The Series, will be available to stream in the UK from 1st December 2023 on the BBC iPlayer. The series will also begin its UK TV broadcast at 5:30pm on the CBBC (and CBBC HD) Channels from 4th December 2023.
While the UK Premiere of Pokémon Horizons: The Series will take place on BBC iPlayer on 1st December 2023, fans can still watch the show on CBBC (and CBBC HD) from 4th December 2023. According to the Freeview TV guide two episodes will be shown (5:30pm and 5:55pm) and it is expected that further episodes will be shown on the channel throughout the week.
About: Meet Liko and Sprigatito, as well as Roy and Fuecoco from Pokémon Horizons: The Series as they uncover the mysteries of the Pokémon world!
As a reminder the BBC iPlayer (and the CBBC TV Channel) have been streaming and broadcasting Pokémon episodes (and movies) for quite some time, with Diamond & Pearl, Black & White, X&Y, and Sun & Moon available to stream in their entirety. Additionally, CBBC will be showing Pokémon the Movie: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages and Pokémon: Detective Pikachu on TV this weekend. In the meantime you can view the entire range of Pokémon content on BBC iPlayer.
BBC iPlayer Announcement Trailer:
Official Trailer:
Episode 1 Preview: