New Anime

Gods Wanna Play Games #01 — Rule Recitation


Now that’s what we call scene composition.


Boy, this almost makes me regret dragging the previous show for excessive exposition and zero animation. Good god, it was bad. Not just even because they were playing some stupid self-introduction game, but they also had to explain it, explain how they both have eidetic memories, explain randomization, and then cut away from that info dump to have a secondary info dump about the greater setting, complete with a listing of the rules for the greater setting. We’re 13 minutes into the episode, and have already spent almost five minutes explaining two different sets of rules, one for a ‘game’ that we’re not even playing. At which point, it decided that things were going way too fast, and it needed to return to the original self-introduction game and recap it. I should also mention that there’s a random title drop in the middle of all the exposition. Christ.  

The pacing is horrific. The animation nonexistent. The story never showed up. The game is uncreative. The ‘win’ is nonsense. The characters dull as beige paint. The whole thing is just “you the protagonist are the super specialest boy ever and so since you’re so special I, the attractive hot magical girl want to be with you.” You can’t even say that there’s any kind of fanservice side pitching itself on that, which it seems to realize itself as at one random point he goes “Hey, are you not wearing underwear?” Which is a baffling non-sequitur even at the best of times. But she obediently replies “Of course not, I’m here to be your fanservice girlfriend after all.” Okay, not that literally, but may as well have been. It would’ve been the most creative and interesting part of this stupid-ass boring show. And with multiple cheat power things, not to mention Spice and Wolf, yet to go, boy is this season starting out rough.

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