New Anime

Bye Bye Earth #02 — Untrustworthy Lagomorphs


Ew, rabbits.


The writing here isn’t getting any better. We start out with her randomly laying in a forest of glowing rocks, announcing that she was born from a rock, but her home is the moon. It doesn’t get a whole lot more sensical from there. In no particular order, she allows herself to be arrested just to immediately remember that she knows a local VIP who can fast track her straight to the king and so explodes a door, visits the local accursed demigod who has a bunch of old dudes embedded in his chest which also needs to approve her quest before she can quest, fights a bunch of dudes who dragged a rabbit kid in a top hat into a tavern so that they could murder it in front of everybody for laughs, a swarm of undead monsters invade the town and then were never seen again, announces multiple lessons about the local geopolitcal situation, and takes a bath with that rabbit thing.

And then there’s the random world tidbits, like how crops in this world require a brass band to grow, or that they grow swords or something? Put all that in whatever order that you think makes the most sense to you, because I’m not sure it actually matters. Or that her curse makes her sword harmless against people now, but not swords. I’m pretty sure that being thwacked with 40 pounds of metal and sent flying through a wall while shrapnel rains around you would still cause some blunt force trauma, but MAGIC, I suppose. In any case, about 95% of this episode was in one ear and out the other, and it lacked any strong character drama stuff that the intro episode had, not to mention no bombastic fights against giant deer-kraken, so it was definitely a step down.

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