Hey all! Apologies for the delay on this. Can’t lie, I’ve been caught up playing Dragon’s Dogma 2 plus some grad school work. Hopefully things will relax around May, cause dear god am I busy haha. Anyways, here’s this weeks episodes! Dungeon Meshi – 12 [Red Dragon II] First up this week is, once again, …
Anime One At A Time March Podcast!
I need to update more haha High time I started using this blog more as for what it is a communication board! I have neglected using this blog as for what a blogs purpose truly is a communication board? “But you write posts isn’t that enough”?. In my eyes no. My problem was I didn’t …
The Apothecary Diaries #24 — Convenient Eternally Seeping Wound
Chinese medicine works in mysterious ways. Impressions: And so we sputter to the destined end (announced continuation notwithstanding), attempting nothing, and accomplishing nothing. Lakan reunites with his baby momma and then we get a not-quite title drop, but OP image drop with its own corny insert song, so basically the same thing. These singles need …
Yuki Yuna is a Hero – Episode 9
Hello folks, and welcome back to Wrong Every Time. Today I’m eager to return to Yuki Yuna is a Hero, after an episode that saw the other shoe plummeting to earth and leaving a devastating crater in its wake. As it turns out, the Taisha knew all along that our young heroes would be forced …
Anime girls eating apples
I am always trying to eat healthy and this time I decided to try to eat more fruits like apples (you will see why). Enjoy!
The Need to Be a Hunter
Solo Leveling Ep 8 Review After the recap episode from last week, Solo Leveling is back. Sadly, anyone looking forward to more action will be disappointed with this episode. Instead, this episode takes it slower and focuses on the characters. To be more precise, it focuses on why people want to become Hunters. Yes, there’s the fact …