New Anime

I Will PARRY Everything #01 — Random Midtown Minotaur


Why was there a giant minotaur in the middle of a completely empty city again?


If you watched that Old Man Rookie Adventurer thing and thought that the problem there was that it had jokes and didn’t take the premise seriously, here you are. Literally the exact same show, but with no humor, all drama. Mostly, that means that they instead focused on how much of a loser he was before he wandered off into the mountains to grind one skill and return looking more like a refrigerator than a human. So of course, we ignore that and insist and asking about his paperwork. But actually, his defense parry is now so high that just hiim blocking an attack throws 600 pound minotaurs across the courtyard and reflects their axes, beheading them with their own attack. The whole thing is made even cheesier by him screaming “PARRY” every time he blocks an attack. But also, he can use various flavors of healing and super speed magic too, because that’s also part of parrying. Of course it is.

When I said in that other show’s thoughts that seeing the dude struggle and overcome actual adversity was important, a token montage of people saying he doesn’t have the right power level ain’t it. Even if you take things that execute on this premise more decently, like Disney’s Hercules. Him struggling and being a buffoon with both a random centuar and the hydra are key to establishing that he’s actually trying, struggling, even when overpowered. And that’s setting the animation flexing aside, neither of which are anywhere close to present here. And especially not if you’re going to show him doing all the things they said he couldn’t do a couple minutes later. You suck, off-screen. Wait, I mean, you became OP. Great three minute character arc, guys. I guess if you just want another cheat power show, and the variety between jokey power fantasy and bland serious power fantasy, it’s nice that this season provides two completely identical ones in either flavor. Neither should exist though. I should really re-watch Hercules, for Meg the music.


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